Thursday, July 16, 2009

A Little Girl's Gratitude

Several weeks ago I was teaching the children in the youth ministry and I asked them to tell me if they had ever prayed to God to help them with something. Some of the children nervously shuffled there feet or twiddled there thumbs and looked about anxiously as they waited for the awkward moment when I would be calling on them. Before I called on any of them, one of the nine year old girls raised her hand. Her big brown eyes were so beautiful. She had this innocent look of a young girl with so much hope. She hadn't been contaminated by the world. Her pure heart was akin to the pure agape love that we all have received in grace from God. Then, in a seemingly angelic voice, she said, "I asked God to help me be successful on my school test, and I did really good on that test, and I thanked God because God is good".

"O give thanks unto the Lord for He is good: for his mercy endureth forever" Psalm 107:1 (KJV)

I was overwhelmed, not only by her faith and gratitude, but also by her uncanny recognition that God is our provision. When we had finished our lesson plan, I asked the children if they were excited about school being out and if they were ready to have some fun!! Surprisingly, the little girl looked directly into my eyes and said, "I don't want to have fun, I want to help my parents at the restaurant. They work so hard for me and I want to help them". Her parents work long hours at their restaurant and rarely make it to church.

"But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant......." Philippians 2:7 (KJV)

I could feel the tears welling up. I was struggling to keep my emotions in check. I couldn't believe that a nine year old could possibly have the heart of a grateful servant. I contemplated how a child could be so obedient to God's Word. I thought about all of the "comfortable" Christians I know. I thought about how much more I could be doing for the kingdom of God. I wondered, is our gratitude genuine, or is it just lip service. Are we really serving Jesus or are we really just serving our own egos. This precious child was the reason I had to look in the mirror when I got home. And when I looked, I wondered if I was seeing the face of a self-righteous sinner or that of a grateful little girl.

Children of God.......I ask you........what do you see?

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