Monday, June 22, 2009

Matthew 15:11 "The Power of Silence"

Are you appalled at what is coming out of our childrens mouths? Powerful lobbyists for the television industry have succeeded in their promotion of vulgar language being acceptable at certain hours of the night. It is simply horrifying to hear the vile garbage that is being spewed forth on basic cable channels fairly early in the evening.
In Matthew 15:11, Jesus states, "What goes into a mans mouth does not make him unclean, but what comes out of his mouth makes him unclean".
Although this scripture is taken in a different context, it still speaks to my heart. It is very clear that the blatant vulgarity of our society is becoming acceptable, almost commonplace.
I challenge all who have stumbled across this blog to remain silent more often than not; to think before you speak.
We have all heard the saying "what would Jesus do?" I ask you another question, "what would Jesus say?"
A dirty mouth is like a cancer growing in your soul. Rid yourself of this uncleanliness and allow your spirit to be free from this type of contamination. Let the Spirit of Jesus Christ and his Truth be the Words on your lips.
Peace and blessings to all of my brothers and sisters who are facing the struggles of modern society with vigilance and faith in Christ Jesus.

1 comment:

  1. Couldn't have said it any better than that,God bless you brother Kurt!!
