Monday, June 29, 2009

Lost at Sea

Our faith in many ways is like being on a tiny row boat stranded with no oars in a sea of enormous waves. We are constantly being tossed about like a rag doll. The imminent threat of sinking is lurking in the back of our minds. Our little boat springs leaks on a regular basis continually threatening our existence. We are thirsty yet we cannot drink of the salty water. Our fate is dependent on the wind. Where will it take us? After being battered and bruised for days on end, when all hope seems lost, we see in the distance, land!! As the wind blows us towards the shore we are filled with the hope of being saved but suddenly we are terror-stricken as we see the huge waves crashing onto the shoreline. There are jagged rocks everywhere. All we can do is cling to our little row boat for dear life and hope that we will be saved. After being thrashed about relentlessly, seemingly for hours , we realize that we are alive. It's a miracle!!
Everything seems still as we lay motionless on the beach in quiet contemplation of what has just happened. There is a peace about this place. A feeling of gratitude and relief is in our hearts. The ocean waves which once threatened our very existence are now harmlessly dissipating around us.
Aren't the waves of the sea just the trials of our lives?
And don't the leaks in our row boats just symbolize our human flaws?
And isn't the salty water just the contaminating sin of our lives?
And doesn't the wind just represent the guiding spirit of God and the His plan for
our lives?
In this story we can see that the row boat without oars represents our Jesus. If we separate ourselves from the row boat, we would surely be lost at sea and die. Our faith is in our row boat . We cling to our row boat. We our completely dependent on our row boat.
And as the trials of our lives come crashing down upon us like waves in the sea, our human weaknesses get exposed and as a result our faith sometimes develops little cracks. We start doubting our little rowboat. Let us not forget that when our rowboat springs a leak, surely God is the glue that seals up those leaks and keeps our row boat afloat.
And let us always be grateful for the purifying blood sacrifice of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Let us always repent from our wicked ways and ask Jesus to remove the salty sin from our lives so that we can be spiritually hydrated with His purifying living water.
And let us also accept and recognize that we are not in control. The row boat has no oars. The oars represent our will. If we had oars on our row boat, we would certainly be rowing in the wrong direction. Let the spiritual wind of God take us where He intends us to be. Let His will be done.
Ephesians 2:8 "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God". (KJV)
And let us never abandon our faith in Jesus Christ. Cling onto your row boat and know that you will be divinely delivered onto that spiritual beach; that you shall never thirst and shall live eternally in heaven. Rejoice in your salvation and know that His mercy and grace are sufficient and that His plan for your life is perfect because He is perfect.

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