Friday, July 10, 2009

The Soothing Voice of Encouragement

As Christians we are called to build one another up in faith, to consider others as better than ourselves, to love one another as Christ loved us.

"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves" Philippians 2:3 (NIV)

How many times do you see in the secular world, people tearing each other down, hurling insults at one another, criticizing each other, or taking delight in seeing someone else fail. Sadly, many times, we are also witness to this same type of behavior within the church.

Don't you think the revival of the church and the Christian community at large starts in the hearts of men and women? Don't we suffer through enough strife in the secular world already? Isn't the example of God's grace and mercy in our own personal lives good enough? As followers of Christ, shouldn't we be the voice of encouragement?

In one form or another, the word "encourage" appears in the bible roughly 70 times. It goes against everything we stood for when we lived in darkness, but God has shone His graceful light upon us and now we have been called to shine that light upon others. We, as the body of Christ, must encourage one another in love. We must be the selfless givers of encouragement to those who have stumbled, to those who are in need, to those who just need to hear the caressing voice of someone who loves them.

"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen" Eph. 4:29(NIV)

The body of Christ has many different parts and when one of those parts breaks down, who among us will come to help put that part back together. After all, aren't we all part of the same body?

"There is one body, and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all in all" Eph. 4:4-6 (NIV)

There are times when many of us are weakened in our faith; when we feel somewhat separated from God; when we can't seem to feel His presence, or hear His voice. It is in those times that the oneness of love that we all share in Christ Jesus, must be given graciously to the brethren in need.

My hope and prayer is that we, as the body of Christ, would build one another up; would sacrifice our own needs for the needs of others; would be the soothing voice of encouragement to those who have stumbled. Father give us the heart of a humble servant. Help us to be more compassionate; to be the soldiers that stand as an example of the new revival within the church. May God strengthen us in our commitment to the well being of His body so that we can boldly bring His message of Truth to the world. Amen.


  1. this is a very inspiring comment you wrote. The idea of up lifting to each other needs to be voices more, thank you for posting it.

    twitter @jlcurtis3

  2. Hallelujah! Kurt. That was an excellent Blog and it is the truth. We all need encouragement. A pastor once said, "Encouragement is like Oxygen to the Soul." We need oxygen to live and I am convinced we need Encouragement to carry on. If you break the word down you get "To put courage in." Wow! When we encourage someone we push out fear and put courage in. Hallelujah! All Glory Be to God for allowing us to participate in helping one another. God Bless you my friend and keep doing what you are doing! You are going to do Great things for the Kingdom of God!!!!!!!

    Faith Talk

  3. Kurt, I thought about Barnabas...the "son of encouragement" when i read your blog. He reached out in encouragement to brother Saul when no one else would have anything to do with him. God ended up doing so much through Paul, and Barnabas' encouragement was a key to that.

    Then Barnabas befriended and encouraged John-Mark when Paul was fed up with him. That stance meant Paul and Barnabas agreed in the Lord to go their separate ways. But Paul later on calls Jon-Mark a "useful co-worker in the Lord," and of course he ended up writing the gospel of Mark! Barnabas did a wonderful thing in encouraging this young man in the Lord, when even Paul gave up on him.

    What a difference Barnabas' ministry of encouragement made in the early church, the formation of the New Testament, and eternity!

    You have written a great article about a very important ongoing need in the body of Christ. Thank you brother. I am sure YOU have the gift and ministry of encouragement!

    John Wright
    ATJ Ministries
